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Author: test
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Changed: 1 year, 6 months ago
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Intro: Adults Only Explicit poetry and music by L. O. Sweetart, Jack Don McLovin, and Purificacion Moro Roman. Feel free to post or comment about reviews or similar works in whatever language you prefer.
Price: se1000 + sc0/mth + de + dc/mth (invite only)
Author: test
Views: 0
Changed: 1 year, 5 months ago
Posts: 2
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Approved Voters: 1
Intro: This is the private space of the reading group for Freud's works where we co-write articles to be released in the freud-feedback space. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
Price: se0 + sc0/mth + de + dc/mth (invite only)
Author: test
Views: 498
Changed: 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Posts: 2
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Approved Voters: 1
Intro: A man is only as valuable as his men
Price: se1000 + sc1000/mth + de + dc/mth
Author: test
Views: 506
Changed: 9 months ago
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Approved Voters: 1
Intro: All members participate, best-voted-members elevate- each elevation has an extra two messages being passed at a time.
Price: se10 + sc10/mth + de + dc/mth
Author: test
Views: 587
Changed: 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Posts: 3
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Approved Voters: 1
Intro: Welcome to the songs of a new children of an old world of new books
Price: se0 + sc0/mth + de + dc/mth
Author: test
Views: 603
Changed: 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Posts: 11
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Approved Voters: 1
Intro: Welcome and indulge yourself, one can never know too much unless they know too much sin
Price: se0 + sc0/mth + de + dc/mth
Author: test
Views: 610
Changed: 11 months, 1 week ago
Posts: 7
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Approved Voters: 1
Intro: Ya gunnungdoorri aloofness
Price: se0 + sc0/mth + de + dc/mth
Author: test
Views: 614
Changed: 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Posts: 24
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Intro: Ask the first man for a favour, and he'll give you a treaty. Ask him for a dividend, and he'll grant you a loan and you shall incur a debt. Ask him for life and he'll give you an abundance of choices, and amidst choosing you shall decay what life you had for having so much time to make a decision.
Price: se0 + sc0/mth + de + dc/mth
Author: test
Views: 1456
Changed: 1 year, 5 months ago
Posts: 2
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Approved Voters: 1
Intro: The space for the reddit discord group from /r/psychoanalysis that coalesced to write notes while studying freud and commenting in person.
Price: se1000 + sc1000/mth + de + dc/mth
Author: test
Views: 1499
Changed: 1 year, 7 months ago
Posts: 10
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Approved Voters: 1
Intro: The 23 Vibes are your last chance to recognise fashion has a way of going in and out and in and out of fashion. Everything that was once close to bad money gets taken away from bad ways of living. People who commit to the way of forgetting the 28 Styx can rightfully remove the pain from their lives and live in heavenly sighs for the rest of their life.
Price: se14201420 + sc0/mth + de + dc/mth
Author: test
Views: 1524
Changed: 1 year, 6 months ago
Posts: 34
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Approved Voters: 1
Intro: Iverdabefore is an island of forgetfulness surrounded by an inescapable mist
Price: se100000 + sc100000/mth + de + dc/mth
Author: test
Views: 1537
Changed: 1 year, 7 months ago
Posts: 21
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Approved Voters: 1
Intro: The issues with existence begetting bad natured people.
Price: se0 + sc0/mth + de + dc/mth
Author: test
Views: 1551
Changed: 1 year, 12 months ago
Posts: 43
Votes: 0
Sponsors: 1
Approved Voters: 1
Intro: When History Changes, make a name for it.
Price: se0 + sc0/mth + de + dc/mth
Author: test
Views: 1564
Changed: 1 year, 7 months ago
Posts: 14
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Approved Voters: 1
Intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7TONauJGfc We are here to cultivate this relationship with others for the benefit of our own personal goal acquisition which is to get our needs met. It is ultimately important that the people we love are treated in a way that cultivates a co-fostering which involves meeting another's needs so well that they in-turn meet yours. Symbiotic compromise.
Price: se1000 + sc500/mth + de + dc/mth
Author: test
Views: 1570
Changed: 1 year, 6 months ago
Posts: 7
Votes: 0
Sponsors: 0
Approved Voters: 1
Intro: This is a collection of poetry listed for viewing by L. O. Sweetart, Jack Don McLovin, and Purificacion Moro Roman. Feel free to post poetry that relates and reviews of the material.
Price: se0 + sc0/mth + de + dc/mth
Sort: Need Login
Marduk Mal mal mark the duke, heark not to what you not hear, hear not to where you not have hearth, listen only to hearts intent, know truth o…
Views: 7
Latest: March 25, 2025, 5:40 a.m.
When you're feeling atune you feel like you could do anything with fashion. Nothing out of bounds, except bad taste.
Words: atune
Views: 26
Latest: Aug. 21, 2023, 9:34 p.m.
Tomorrow's a new day so long as I make today history. Miss me with your language as you ask me for please, I need you begging like your pl…
Words: a our
Views: 142
Latest: Feb. 24, 2025, 9:53 a.m.
What is wrong with you except to try and twist the words outside of it remaining true or to make meaning change into something new to relive th…
Words: honest
Views: 145
Latest: Feb. 23, 2025, 5:09 a.m.
“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. . . . Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and …
Views: 260
Latest: Dec. 1, 2024, 8:44 a.m.
All the rulers in the west are criminal. They have sold out their role of governance to that of the market price. It is no longer a gratuitous …
Words: ours
Views: 272
Latest: Dec. 7, 2024, 1:22 a.m.
Project montauk is the project of time drifting or phase shifting, the place of the disappearing shis. But I just want to talk. Not with …
Words: hif
Views: 322
Latest: June 1, 2024, 11:43 p.m.
What the I has in store for me. . I have preached a message, . None are oft able to hear. . And it goes with a plainness in saying, . .…
Views: 325
Latest: May 17, 2024, 8:27 a.m.
Have you got what it takes? . Who takes it as it's made. Who takes it as it's shown. Who takes it as it is made to be believed. Who…
Views: 373
Latest: April 24, 2024, 4:57 p.m.
You know it's a dangerous time when you come to the writing desk and there's nothing on your mind. You know you're going to just…
Views: 511
Latest: Aug. 2, 2024, 11:06 a.m.
The beauty of trading dictionaries is that you are constantly being informed as to what someone thinks. Good luck getting past my affront on la…
Views: 521
Latest: May 26, 2024, 8 a.m.
Let's talk about that, love, proving love, growing in someone else the faith in you that you love them. It takes constant attention, and w…
Views: 543
Latest: Aug. 2, 2024, 1:30 p.m.
Dear God, I pray for what. I pray that you fill me with so much what that I become wanted, and then demanded and then superceded, that I may gr…
Views: 545
Latest: April 26, 2024, 5:03 a.m.
The American Patriot is under attack, as he always has been. Just because he's fighting the new world order. The new world order is just t…
Views: 546
Latest: June 3, 2024, 6:52 a.m.
He sang a song, . It was not great. . He did not know, . What it took to make, . O-Oh Oh something great, . O-oh oh something great. …
Words: last
Views: 547
Latest: May 17, 2024, 6:21 a.m.
And by Red, I mean well read. You see I can Uncle Tom as well Uncle Tommy Here, can do an Uncle Jimmy, and Uncle Jimmy is how I do myself when …
Views: 548
Latest: May 17, 2024, 8:53 a.m.
I have a subscription that posts my music to 30 or so services. I was thinking of hosting music and a music player, such that people could get …
Views: 550
Latest: May 12, 2024, 10:04 a.m.
You think the destroyer is that which vanquishes your enemies but what have you to a housing demolition. To make way for new dreams of a new ge…
Views: 550
Latest: June 6, 2024, 2:39 a.m.
Narnia is a pool of teleporting waters. All interconnected being at peace with the ambient temperature. Jump into one side and pop out the othe…
Views: 551
Latest: April 25, 2024, 7:39 a.m.
This shoulda been ours, it's been until ungodly hours, how could this not be ours. You said you loved me in the sweetest french, how could…
Views: 552
Latest: June 2, 2024, 12:36 a.m.
Sure, you might only hear about me when you don't want to. You might only hear about me online and through mutual friends. You might only …
Words: last
Views: 552
Latest: June 3, 2024, 5:25 a.m.
So long as nobody knows it, I'm a hopeless endeavour, people who speak to me either fall quiet or fall more quiet. I don't bring abou…
Views: 552
Latest: June 2, 2024, 3:56 a.m.
I tried searching for "a cat-person walking a dog-person", and they have cat people and dog people as just people who like cats and d…
Views: 552
Latest: June 21, 2024, 5:02 a.m.
Yes you. I'm saying hello. I know you're on a bus and you have your earpods in but hey, that's just social etiquette, it's …
Views: 555
Latest: June 10, 2024, 6:25 p.m.
I wanted you more than I wanted life. I wanted life as much as I wanted God. I wanted the experience of being with you to replace any sense I h…
Views: 556
Latest: May 24, 2024, 7:51 a.m.
Death aint certain, death me yesterday, damn you dead, oh shit pot luck. Bleed after me, drain my blood, bleed bloood blood aint free, bleed for purpose, pleasure for glory, bleed unto us, bleed unto, blood unto blood, blood unto bloarders, blood unto bleeding, blood is bloody, bloody aint bleeding, bleeding bleeding, blood is blood, bleeding bleeding, blood blood, bleeding bleeding blood bleeding bleeding blood. Tooth in nail. Nail in board. Board in nail. Nail in head. Head in nail. Nail in head. Head to nail. Nail the head. Head the nail. Islain snail. Snail the head. Head the snail. sail the head. head to sail. sail a head. buy a booby, bitches is nudey, nude is dudey, dudi nuti. Nuti duti. Duti nuti. Nute the duti. Dute nuti. Isna nuti, nisna nute nit nuti nute ti duti duti duti ti nuti. tit ti nuti nute de duty duty nuti nuti duty. islain misnail snail misnail snail misnail snail snail. snail his snail. his snail is snail. he sa snail. sa snail da mail. mail da snail. snail da mail. mail da mail. snail snail. isno snow snail ne now. now ne snail. isna nail.