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Psalmic May 8, 2024, 2:49 a.m. The psalmic space is dedicated to psalms written by yours truly, Adam who was called Aden, the first born of his own nation 0
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psalmic Allowees: 1
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Proverbial May 8, 2024, 2:53 a.m. The proverbial book is a series of chapters with new proverbs written by Adam who was called Aden 0
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proverbial Allowees: 1
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Adamic May 8, 2024, 6:38 a.m. The Adamic texts are designated as such as they are written by the first man, not first as in first created, but first as in positionally within the hive of humanity. The first man was created from dust haven and earth. There are other men who do not obey the commandment of counting and ordering, being not the first but the final and the finesse of man. One created from stone, crystal and sparkle, another created from water, oil, and air. The crystal man set his livelihood in stone and would only ever build houses and have children. The fluid man saw this and did differently, venturing into caves and across to islands and to the mountain tops. 0
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adamic Allowees: 1
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A soundtrack to something greater May 10, 2024, 12:29 a.m. That's all it is. It's either a soundtrack, to something greater, or it's a soundtrack to something greater, or it's a soundtrack that never turns out to be greater. 0
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Spleenic June 21, 2024, 7:05 a.m. The spleenic is that-which generates vampyric notions in the human, seeking to eat blood or meat. The sound of it applied to a situation generates a squeamish feeling that when attached to situations around existence removes it's essence or true value, and makes us feel as if the situation is so horrible, it is almost not worth living unless you try eating meat and drinking blood. 0
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Judicious-lamously July 3, 2024, 3:08 a.m. To be the best judge of all future present that to replicate the man and his action would be to right history 0
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Arimaderri July 3, 2024, 4:52 a.m. When I esteem myself higher than you by lifting you up. 0
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our- Aug. 11, 2024, 10:01 p.m. our- is the prefix, or, preponym, which refers to a group's attribute, named after it's first instance, our-faith. Which is the faith of a group, which is greater than the sum of the parts. Our-faith guides the groups actions, and togetherness, and commitments, and discussions. 0
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our-faith Aug. 11, 2024, 10:03 p.m. Our-faith is different to just the collective faith, but it's how the collective's faith works together, does someone allow your blindspots to be exemplified and amplified, or do they cater for your weaknesses. Describe your attributes in light of theirs and see what weaknesses need accounting for. 0
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This word has no one up standing posed on safety of reuse.
This word has no specified way to pronounce it.
our-pride Aug. 11, 2024, 10:12 p.m. Our-pride is the noun describing the collective's early good achievements that preclude a later downfall, ie. overshoot's of worth and value. Someone who peaks early knows of this. 0
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This word has no story going for it.
This word has nothing related to it made aware of.
This word has no space to talk about.
This word has no one up standing posed on safety of reuse.
This word has no specified way to pronounce it.
their-patience Aug. 11, 2024, 10:15 p.m. Their-patience is the attribute of another group's patience. It can outlast your group's pride, and is outlasted by even greater patience. It's the willingness, or stomach, for the ability to lay in wait of a challenging victory. 0
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our-exo-patience Aug. 11, 2024, 10:18 p.m. our-exo-patience, is an exo-skeleton, or energy upkeep free defence storage. It takes minimal extra energy to carry around to provide a lot of benefit in defence. If you're fighting against another groups patience over your pride, say you explore their lands, they wait for you to go around a certain corner, to ambush you, but it turns out you use an x-ray-like penetrations device to determine where you are waiting for them. Costs you next to nothing to win. This is our-exo-patience. 0
This word has no examples of it.
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This word has no story going for it.
This word has nothing related to it made aware of.
This word has no space to talk about.
This word has no one up standing posed on safety of reuse.
This word has no specified way to pronounce it.
their-anti-anti Aug. 11, 2024, 10:21 p.m. Anti-anti is when someone has anti-air, you have a way of taking it out. But this is the property of the other-group 0
This word has no examples of it.
This word has no similar phrases or sub-connections to it.
This word has no un-hinged translations from or to it.
This word has no story going for it.
This word has nothing related to it made aware of.
This word has no space to talk about.
This word has no one up standing posed on safety of reuse.
This word has no specified way to pronounce it.
us-ness-maximusan Aug. 11, 2024, 10:24 p.m. Us-ness maximusan is something that can't be stopped or prevented that makes your group indestructable. It's something that carries with it a maximal potential likelihood for effect. 0
This word has no examples of it.
This word has no similar phrases or sub-connections to it.
This word has no un-hinged translations from or to it.
This word has no story going for it.
This word has nothing related to it made aware of.
This word has no space to talk about.
This word has no one up standing posed on safety of reuse.
This word has no specified way to pronounce it.
Casa-si-paso Feb. 23, 2025, 3:54 a.m. My knowledge and My possessions are what you overlook or pass on by. 0
This word has no examples of it.
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This word has no un-hinged translations from or to it.
This word has no story going for it.
This word has nothing related to it made aware of.
This word has no space to talk about.
This word has no one up standing posed on safety of reuse.
Death aint certain, death me yesterday, damn you dead, oh shit pot luck. Bleed after me, drain my blood, bleed bloood blood aint free, bleed for purpose, pleasure for glory, bleed unto us, bleed unto, blood unto blood, blood unto bloarders, blood unto bleeding, blood is bloody, bloody aint bleeding, bleeding bleeding, blood is blood, bleeding bleeding, blood blood, bleeding bleeding blood bleeding bleeding blood. Tooth in nail. Nail in board. Board in nail. Nail in head. Head in nail. Nail in head. Head to nail. Nail the head. Head the nail. Islain snail. Snail the head. Head the snail. sail the head. head to sail. sail a head. buy a booby, bitches is nudey, nude is dudey, dudi nuti. Nuti duti. Duti nuti. Nute the duti. Dute nuti. Isna nuti, nisna nute nit nuti nute ti duti duti duti ti nuti. tit ti nuti nute de duty duty nuti nuti duty. islain misnail snail misnail snail misnail snail snail. snail his snail. his snail is snail. he sa snail. sa snail da mail. mail da snail. snail da mail. mail da mail. snail snail. isno snow snail ne now. now ne snail. isna nail.